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Activate Your Strategy Superpowers

Sometimes You Need an Outside Perspective

Formal opportunity planning and deal reviews, internal key account reviews and customer-facing quarterly business reviews in B2B selling are crucial to ensure that sales efforts are strategic, efficient, and focused on winnable opportunities. They help maximize the chances of converting leads into customers and ensuring stronger long-term customer relationships.


Utilizing an outside consultant to guide your approach offers a range of benefits:​​

  1. Objective Assessment: Provide a fresh, objective perspective on opportunities, allowing for a more impartial assessment. An outsider is more likely to spot gaps, inefficiencies, or potential areas of improvement that internal teams might overlook due to familiarity.

  2. Expertise and Best Practices: An expert brings insights, best practices, and methodologies from other contexts, potentially offering innovative approaches that the internal team might not have considered.

  3. Focus and Structure: A proven, structured approach helps ensure that reviews are organized, thorough, and conducted in a timely manner.

  4. Training and Skill Development: Outside coaching can help you upskill your sales team. This can lead to improved sales practices even after our engagement has ended.

  5. Experience: Account and deal strategy management is a skill that is developed over time. With over 25 years of experience, we can help you craft and manage great strategies in relationships that range in size from modest investment clients to multi-million dollar customers. 

Leverage and train your team on the Rarer Leader Group Opportunity Wisdom© approach to reviewing opportunities and deal strategy. This includes the 3Rs of Value© messaging capture and the Fulfillment Triangle© assessment elements that go beyond traditional sales process models and lead sales teams to winning strategies. 


The Opportunity Wisdom© approach is not dependent on any particular sales methodology. Versions of the approach are available for and Google Sheets if you aren't already using another sales process toolset. ​​

Mike Rarer's Opportunity Wisdom in Salesforce

Opportunity Wisdom© for Salesforce​​

Mike Rarer's Opportunity Wisdom in Google Sheets

Opportunity Wisdom© for Google Sheets​​

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