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Activate Your Success Superpowers

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You | Activated

Be Your Own Superhero

Do you ever feel like you or your colleagues are stuck in pursuit of personal or professional goals?


With the KISS (Keep it Super Simple) principle in mind, Mike’s presentation introduces tools that will help attendees unlock the potential in seven success principles — superpowers they can use to become unstuck.

Do you ever wonder why you reach or miss some goals, or why you thrive in some situations and relationships but fail in others? 


Mike will introduce attendees to a new perspective and tools that will empower them to reach more of their goals at work and in life - tools that are so simple they can practice them with a pen and a piece of paper. 

When you can articulate your current situation with simple drawing, you can explain it to anyone and perhaps understand it better yourself.

Whether you are leading a team or pushing through your personal goals, this session is for YOU!

Whiteboard Wisdom Book by Mike Rarer

Practical Takeaways

Immediate | Impactful

As a cornerstone of his approach, Mike’s presentations empower attendees with simple, impactful tools they can put to immediate use. These tools will help them assess and adjust their goal pursuits to greater effect so they can:

  • Excel at Work

  • Reach More Goals

  • Build Better Relationships

  • Find Greater Fulfillment

  • Lead Great Teams 

Because the content is based on Mike’s book, copies are available for participants and signing. 

Your Superpowers

Simple | Mighty

Attendees will learn about seven success superpowers and how to activate them in pursuit of their goals.

  1. Motivation: Why do you reach some goals and miss others?

  2. Self-Awareness: What are the four states of performance and how do you manage them?

  3. Commitment: What role does fulfillment play in determining whether you will quit or stay the course?

  4. Courage: How can you leverage the power in asking for help and embracing rejection?

  5. Focus: Why is opportunity so important and how do you avoid wasting time on the wrong goals?

  6. Accountability: How can sharing your goals unlock even greater success potential?

  7. Positivity: How does your attitude affect your outcomes?

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Business Impact

Customer & Colleague Focused

Mike's sessions will appeal to attendees committed to elevating not only their personal effectiveness, but also their professional pursuits. The principles shared will help sales, marketing and customer relationship management colleagues gain new insights into key relationship dynamics including:

  • The role motivation plays in driving buyer decisions and C-level priorities.

  • Three simple things they can assess and leverage to align their efforts to their customers' and clients' priorities.

Leaders, managers, and Human Resource professionals will:

  • Gain a better understanding of the role motivation plays in helping their team members succeed and thrive at work.

  • Improve their ability to assess team member performance and candidate fit so they can make better decisions about how to invest in their colleagues.

  • Gain new tools to reduce unnecessary attrition and a simple way to assess and improve employee commitment and fulfillment.

These are just a few of the concepts outlined in Mike's presentation that will help you lead more effectively, motivate a high-performance team, and retain top talent. 

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Change Lives

If you are an event planner or leader looking for truly impactful content your colleagues will appreciate, Mike's presentations and keynotes are worthy of consideration. 

Attendees will enjoy a transformative experience and leave equipped with actionable tools that will immediately help them find greater success at work and in life.

About Mike

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Mike Rarer LinkedIn

Dynamic Speaker | Experienced Practitioner

Mike Rarer is an accomplished, engaging speaker with a gift for drawing in audiences with his storytelling skills. His presentations are creative and constructed to drive audience enthusiasm. Mike brings a unique style that combines his content with real-world stories in ways that keep listeners engaged while imparting valuable performance and leadership wisdom.


As an award-winning, former industry executive with over twenty-five years’ experience in high-technology, Mike led top performing teams in companies that range in size from early-stage startups to the Fortune 500. 

"Mike is a natural on stage and a truly inspiring leader."

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